Learn how to increase income by doing what you like, and create a bright and interesting life for yourself
Yury Zachek's Coaching Program
This program is for those who run or develop their own business
7 steps to freedom: in life and in your business
Make an impact with your expertise and increase your income
Understand your real desires and goals and get rid of imposed ones
Add a few extra hours of LIFE to your day
Stop doing unnecessary things and get out of the routine
Set clear personal goals that motivate. Create your personal growth strategy
Find your personal work-life balance and inexhaustible energy source
Easy to understand
Complex information is presented in a full but precise manner, in plain language. All the techniques and exercises are scientifically justified and tested by experience. No need to wreck your brain or slow down your progress.
Supporting community
You won't be alone! During the program, we form a supportive community of experts who always stay in touch and help each other to reach new levels of success.
Participating in the program will grant you access to the professional expertise of your colleagues. You'll be able to share experience, knowledge and motivation with the best of the best and grow fast together.
Energy boost
The program will help you become more energetic, driven by your goals, and also increase your self-confidence and self-belief. You'll realize what you are really capable of and that you are absolutely capable of achieving your goals.
Group progress
Watching your colleagues work hard will help you work through your own issues more thoroughly. 78 % of participants noticed that their brightest insights appeared through group interactions.
Getting results
Lots of practice and deep theoretical studies will let you see the immediate result.
Perhaps, you went through those stages while developing your business
Recognize yourself?
Don't worry! I'll be able to help
  • Burned out
  • The hamster wheel became day-to-day basis
  • Suffers from chronic fatigue
Exhausted Workaholic
  • Experienced but genuinely lost
  • Don't know where to go or what to do next
  • No interests, dreams, ambitions. Everything has no point.
Extinct Star
  • I'll greet my teeth and do everything myself
  • Nobody can do it better than me
  • I can't trust anyone, even my team
Lone Wolf
  • What if it's not my path? I don't know…
  • I am afraid of seeing the results
  • What if I only make it worse?
  • I am a failure compared to the others…
Doubtful Procrastinator
  • I have a lot of energy and do everything I can, but still can't get the result I want
  • Lots of passion, but no exact and effective marketing, personal branding, sales tools
Cobbler without shoes
But first, let's see how the successful people's cycle of growth looks
My program will help you grow like those who succeed
Hit the ceiling in self-development but haven't fully realized personal talents
Faced the lack of constant results and constant self-state without burnouts or emotional roller-coaster
If you are considering opening your business OR you are the owner of a start-up, who:
If you are an experienced business owner who got stuck in development for some reasons and:
You and your project contribute to the development of your customers (I do not work with those who are only motivated by money).
Is ready to make an impact with personal expertise – inside yourself and outside in the big world
Dreams of having free time and LIVING instead of working all over
Dreams of having free time and LIVING instead of working all over
Got tired of fighting doubts, choosing between business options and not knowing what to do
Have no ideas about how to perform most effectively and is full of doubts: am I on the right track? What should I do right now to grow and develop strategically?
Is seeking self-realization and is ready to work hard, change and actively grow
Is seeking freedom on personal terms and is ready to level-up business-game
Forget about the unbearably tight timetables and stop suffering time shortages or inability to enjoy hobbies because of work
What will happen to you if taking part in FREEDOM & MONEY?
Clearly see your obstacles on the path of self-development and realize what gives you energy or what takes it from you
Get tools that really change your worldview and your mindset to significantly improve the quality of your life
Realize your own desires, ideas, goals and find out how to make your journey from point A to point B – from present actions to future results
No more dim routine or dreadful stress: your life will become an exciting journey of self-development and business growth. You will always be satisfied with your progress and know exactly what to do, have freedom of choice and everything you need to succeed.

Also, EVERY PARTICIPANT will find a personal answer to the question: "How can I do things I like, pursue my financial goals and live a bright, happy life without overworking at the same time?"
Those who are not ready to take their butts off the couch and get to the action.
Those who constantly whine, complain, point fingers, and don't want to take responsibility for their actions
Those who are planning to work as wage labor until retirement and never thought of opening their own business
  • 17 years in legal consulting;
  • Former Deloitte partner and Accenture Legal Director in Eastern Europe and CIS. He led a team of lawyers in a region that included 14 countries.
  • Professional Certified Coach of the International Coaching Federation PCC ICF (more than 2,300 hours of sessions). Main areas of specialization: coaching for lawyers, top managers, business owners, life coaching, career coaching.
  • More than 1,000 clients since 1998;
  • Author of 2 books "#UPshipping" and "Hyde Sales for Lawyers and Law Firms".
  • Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Saint Petersburg State University
  • University, International Erickson University, student of Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligen (IAGC). He acted as a guest speaker and took part in the creation of the course «Emotional Intelligence» at the University of ITMO, the leading IT-University of Russia.

  • First, I am all for taking your life to the next level without nerve-racking and unnecessary stress.
  • Second, I believe every person deserves to live a bright and prosperous life on personal terms, enjoy traveling and financial freedom.
  • Third, I enjoy working in the generating field, helping people find new ideas, courage and energy sources.
  • My clients always light me up.
  • I also believe that professionals should live an abundant and happy life – then their clients will, too. I am strongly against poverty and limitations neither in pockets nor in minds.
  • Furthermore, I made every possible mistake on my way to freedom, and I'm ready to guide you there the easier way. Speaking from personal experience, I don't see the reasons not to share my know-how.
My mentees reach fascinating results
Here are some more reviews from my mentees
What's the plan? How will I help you achieve your goals?
Stage 1. Energy
  • Setting group and personal goals.
  • Resource state: What takes energy and what provides it.
  • How to find time for good things and not get bogged down in routine.
  • Emotional intelligence.
  • Identify your energy sources and get back into a resource state
  • Learn to replenish your energy here and now, to prioritize and say NO to anything that prevents you from achieving your goals
  • Realize what is essential in your life and what impact it has on your income
  • Discover and develop the power of your emotional intelligence
  • Learn to manage your time and mood
As a result, you will:
Stage 2. Vision
  • How to build your vision through a system of values?
  • Working with values: Work/interaction from the position of your values.
  • The search for purpose and the creation of life's meaning.
  • Deep values and priorities. Focusing.
  • Visualization techniques.
  • Build your life, work and interaction with other people according to your system of values, bring satisfaction and ease into your life.
  • Fill your life with more meaning.
  • Understand how to create a new way of life, where you not only work but travel, make time for yourself and your loved ones – in other words, living the way you want
  • Learn how to create a long-term vision.
  • Begin to notice incredible opportunities that you have not seen before: the right people, the profitable projects, etc.
As a result, you will:
Stage 3. Resources
  • What do you need for further development?
  • What is your game? Self-positioning.
  • What resources (internal and external) do you have?
  • What do you think of yourself: How to raise self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Identify what's necessary for you to bring your self-development and income to the next level
  • Learn how to sum up and set goals correctly so as not to get stuck in the swamp of routine
  • Raise your self-esteem and breathe new life into your projects
  • Master the effective techniques developed by Yury, which will make it easier to get the results you need.
As a result, you will:
Stage 4. Brakes
  • Stress management.
  • Dealing with fears and limiting beliefs.
  • Procrastination. Working with the wrong people.
  • Conflicts at work and discipline.
  • How to overcome the fear of raising the price of services.
  • How to stop being afraid of competitors.

  • Find out what limits you and prevents you from personal growth
  • Learn to overcome your limiting beliefs and transform your doubts or fears into actions, which will significantly increase your energy level
  • Get working tools and techniques that will help you to raise your income
  • Learn to overcome conflicts instead of being afraid of them, to open up new facets of interaction with people
  • Understand that raising the price of your services is not only non-scary but also mutually beneficial for you and your clients

As a result, you will:
Stage 5. Action
  • Your client's avatar.
  • Psychology of sales.
  • Your market niche, product and packaging.
  • Personal brand and positioning.
  • Social networks and online marketing.
  • Sales funnels.
  • Life after the program.
  • Understand how to build your personal practice, where to find clients, and how you can persuade them to return for the next time
  • Develop your own successful sales strategy
  • Learn how to lay the foundation for further development of your project
  • Find a way of working with clients that will be comfortable and allow you to use your expertise with both care and financial benefit
  • Clearly see your own path in life and business, start taking the right actions
As a result, you will:
Raise your income
I can guarantee that after my coaching program, you will:
Get rid of doubts and "brakes"
Gain more self-confidence
Expand your social circle
Find your hidden energy source
Become more productive and self-effective
Find enough courage to say NO to minor issues
Start to think bigger and more strategically
1 500 euro
4 600 euro
Kachura Valeria
✔️ over 22 years of legal practice experience;
✔️ lawyer, Partner of the Liniya Prava Law Firm, Head of corporate practice and private practice
✔️ mediator, specialist in resolving corporate and family conflicts
✔️ included in the personal rating of Best Lawyers, Pravo.ru 300 and Kommersant, as well as in the ratings of Chambers, Legal 500, ForbesLegal, Pravo.ru 300 with personal practice
✔️ certified Coach according to ICF standards (areas of specialization – crisis recovery, career coaching), mentor of lawyers and attorneys, author of mentoring programs
✔️ author of the book "Fight with the Dragon. From burnout to rebirth"
✔️ co-author and presenter of the online Course for lawyers "Property disputes of spouses: tactics and practice"
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